
Note: for TC's see the Tropical Cyclone page and for Tsunami see the Natural Hazards page.

South Pacific Commentary

MetBob - Bob McDavitt's ideas for sailing around the South Pacific (and text only viersion)


Surface Observations

Ocean surface wind mosaics for NZ and Oceanic areas here at Weather Geek - data sourced via NOAA
Winds via EUMETSAT: multi-platform product viewer
AMV-based Sea-surface Wind - via Himawari satellite
SMAP - via


New Zealand MetService - homepage
» Coastal Marine Warnings (with link to high seas warnings)
» Marine homepage - start here for all marine forecasts - recreational, boating, surf...

Fiji Meteorological Service - homepage - see left menu for products, including;
» South West Pacific Marine for the "Islands" Marine Weather Bulletin

Australia Bureau of Meteorology - homepage
» Ocean Warnings Summary (Metarea X)
» National Warnings Summary - for other matine (and land) warnings
» High Seas Forecasts - map or list to select area

High Seas forecasts and warnings via Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMIWS) / GMDSS website:
» Metarea XIV (NZ/Fiji) and Metarea X (Aus)

Waves and Swell


Bay of Islands wave buoy - from Northland Regional Council
Northport Weather - wave buoys as well as port conditions
Port of Tauranga - incl wave height, wind direcstion, tide and current information
BoP - Bowentown and BoP - Pukehina - wave buoys from Environment BoP
Port Taranaki - swell, wave, tide and wind data
Baring Head (South (B)) wave buoy
Baring Head (North (A)) wave buoy

Tasman Bay - wind and air temp
Port Nelson - webcams and harbour conditions
Lyttelton Port Wave Buoy - located approx 7km NE of Adderley Head
Environment Canterbury - Directional Wave Recorder Buoy

NIWA sea levels and storm surge
UNESCO/IOC sea level monitoring website

Southern Ocean wave buoy - via MetOcean Solutions


MetService marine forecast maps - 3 hourly maps of wave height and period, also SST
SwellMap - swell forecast charts from MetOcean Solutions Ltd.
Swellnet - visualisation of swell/wind/pressure - all-in-one page
GFS and GEFS wave model forecasts (NOAA/NWS/NCEP)


Land Information NZ - Tide Tables for standard and secondary ports
» see also standard port tide levels for spring/neap/astronomical tide levels
MetService - Tide Tables for selected locations (using LINZ data)
NIWA Tide Forecaster - with interactive map

Sea surface temperatures

NZ Marine Heatwave Forecast - via the Moana Project

NASA Worldview - interactive map (may need to step back a day)
JAXA Himawari Monitor - interactive map - select SST from product menu
NOAA View Global Data Explorer: weekly SST and Anomaly - including historic data

SST and anomaly maps (NOAA Coral Reef Watch)
SST - many plots (incl totals and anomalies) via NOAA ESRL PSD
SST and anomaly plots from
BoM SST charts: daily mean and anomaly, and monthly mean and anomaly
Daily optimally interpolated SST - static image with history, from Remote Sensing Systems

Ice and Polar Data

US National Ice Center - for ice edge and iceberg info
» including Antarctic charts  and data files (incl KMZ and TXT/ASCII)
NSIDC Sea Ice News & Analysis, with maps/plots and interactive graph - Arctic & Antarctic
» SH: Antarctic daily extent and concentration maps, also extent graph
» NH: Arctic daily extent and concentration maps, also extent graph
Ice Logistics Portal - Southern Hemisphere
Polar View - with interactive map and several layers for the Antarctic sea ice
ADS VISHOP - interactive sea ice extent graphs

UK Met Office sea ice briefings - Arctic and Antarctic

Antarctic real-time meteorological data - University of Wisconsin-Madison AWS and AMRC
» including AWS/Ship observations, satellite imagery and NWP data

Ship Tracking
APRS Ship Tracking