New Zealand Observations


MetService homepage with current extremes for hottest/coldest/wettest/windiest
» Map of weather stations - mix of MetService, partner and private sites on an interactive map
» Local 3 hourly observations - single page, also with links to coded surface and upper air obs

MetVUW - 3-hourly temp/humidity/wind observations from MetService plotted on a static NZ map


NZ Maps of weather stations

Weather Geek NZ Weather Station Map

Synoptic Data Viewer Map

WunderMap from Weather Underground - weather stations plotted on an interactive map
Met Office WOW - Weather Observations Website
WeatherLink - map of temp from Davis weather stations
WeatherObs - displaying METAR, SYNOP, SHIP, BUOY and private weather stations
Holfuy - weather stations on interactive map - weather stations (and satellite, NWP etc)


Other sites with national/regional observations - weather data/graphs from around NZ - mostly orchards/vineyards - Auckland region winds

NIWA CliFlo - National Climate Database - free access to historic data from 600+ weather stations incl. MetService and NIWA obs


Regional / District Council

Northland Regional Council (map), and summary table
Auckland Council (map with 24h of rain)
Waikato Regional Council (map), with summary table
Bay of Plenty Regional Council (map)
Gisborne District Council (map) and summary table
Taranaki Regional Council (map), with summary table
Horizons Regional Council (Whanganui/Manawatu) (map), also via backup page
Hawkes Bay Regional Council table, map and chart
Greater Wellington Regional Council (map)

Tasman District Council (map), with rainfall summary table
West Coast Regional Council (map), and summary table
Marlborough District Council - links to data incl rainfall summary table
Environment Canterbury Regional Council (map, and tables for northern/southern region)
Otago Regional Council (map)
Environment Southland (map), with rainfall summary table


Rivers and Lakes

Genesis Energy rivers lakes and rainfall - Tongariro, Waikaremoana, Tekapo
Meridian Energy lake levels also snow storage - incl. Te Anau, Manapōuri, Pūkaki, Lake Ōhau, Benmore, Aviemore, Waitaki


Road Conditions

NZ Transport Agency highway conditions, including webcams and regional pages
AA Roadwatch - nation-wide road information
Milford Road Status - via Transit NZ



snowNZ - nation-wide snow reports
» Mt Ruapehu: report and cams
» TÅ«roa report and cams
Arthur's Pass - with general conditions, avalanche risk, weather obs and webcams

MSC NZ Avalanche Advisory - backcountry avalanche advisories from NZ Mountain Safety Council