NZ 10-Day Forecast Charts -
Runtime =
Change run:
Change run:
6hr total precip in mm
- Availability generally reliable but not guaranteed!
- All times in UTC - always check validity timestamp!
- Runtime displayed above images near top of page
- Validity time displayed in image caption
- Validity time is accurate, but H+xx prog offset is assumed based on existence/number of images
- Maps show MSLP (2hPa contour), previous 6 hour rain total (see key) and 10m wind barbs
- First image at H+0 never contains rain (no previous period to sum over)
- H+6 also missing rain (since GFS upgrade in Jun 2019), H+12 shows 12 hour accumulation!
- Maps are 6 hourly out to 10 days (H+240)
- Updates 4x/day soon after 05/11/17/23 UTC (ie 5/11 am/pm NZST or 6/12 am/pm NZDT)
Questions or suggestions? Send a tweet to @chrisnoble_nz or get in touch via my contact form