Numerical Model Forecasts

Note: for swell/wave forecasts, see the Marine page.

Short/Medium Range Forecasts

Via MetService

NZ 3-day rain+wind forecast - one of MetService's hi-res mesoscale models with 3 hourly maps
NZ/Tas 5-day pressure+rain+wind forecast - based on global model data with 6 hourly maps


GFS data here at Weather Geek:

New Zealand weather maps

with current & previous 3 runs

NZ weather map tiles

next 10 days on a single page

GFS data elsewhere:

MetVUW - GFS charts for NZ and larger areas out to 10 days
» or straight to NZ 7-day thumbnails of MSLP+wind+rain

Global GFS via - global data fields with animation
Earth Wind Map - via
Ventusky - another global animation site

BSCH "Raincast" - NZ GFS rainfall accumulation maps (via Brisbane Storm Chasers Homepage) - interactive, select time range on left
BSCH "Stormcast" - NZ GFS soundings (via Brisbane Storm Chasers Homepage) - select the time on the left, then click the map - animated maps of rain, freezing level and snow, also with static maps, out to 6 days

Alicia Bentley's real-time GFS maps - incl various Aus/NZ charts, eg; MSLP/rain, CAPE, Jets
ARL (NOAA) Forecast Model Graphics - put "NZWN" for ICAO to start... (GFS model)
» including interactive maps, meteograms and soundings
DrJack RASP BLIPMAPs - 3.3km GFSA-initiated WRF-ARW model (4 projections covering NZ)
» Regional Atmospheric Soaring Prediction Boundary Layer Information Prediction maps

NCEP Model Analyses and Guidance - GFS charts for the South Pacific (various parameters)
WRF-ARW for Samoa - 12km, 3km and 1km domains, via University of Hawaii


Weather Geek MSLP charts: NZ/Aus, 24hr interval to H+240 - via image player or static all-in-one page

Rain+MSLP and MSLP+Wind@850 - deterministic forecasts from H+0 to H+240
» see the ECMWF Charts Catalogue for more.


ECMWF charts for NZ via, or jump to: MSLP or Precip (with accum options)


BoM Interactive viewer for Weather and Wave products - ACCESS-G/R and AUSWAVE-G/R products
» see about maps for model info



NIWA's model via NiwaWeather pages


WeatherOnline Expert Charts for NZ - links to GFS data, other models available
Tropical Tidbits - incl GFS, CMC, NAVGEM, HWRF...

Antarctica Specific

UCAR Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System - AMPS WRF
University of Wisconsin-Madison's Antarctic Meteorological Research Center - data and imagery - links to GFS/ECMWF products
Ohio State University Polar Meteorology Group - Polar WRF model data


Ensemble Forecasts

NCEP Model Analysis and Guidance hompage - both DET and ENS guidance for a number of domains
» straight to the South Pacific products
NCEP - Ensemble forecasts from ESRL PSD (go for "Southern Hemisphere Plots")
» including Ensemble means for MSLP/THK + H500

ECMWF - Ensemble Forecast Charts


Reanalysis Model Data

NOAA NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Project - try "6-hourly and daily data", then surface...
ECMWF Reanalysis v5 (ERA5)
JRA-3Q - Japanese reanalysis for 3 quarters of a century



WMO Lead Centre for Deterministic Forecast Verification - ECMWF
Lead Centre on Verification of Ensemble Prediction System - JMA